The ALCF is offering supercomputing and AI tools to support groundbreaking research that blends simulation, big data analysis, and machine learning.
In 2024, the system surpassed the exascale barrier, demonstrated its world-class AI capabilities, and completed critical preparations for its release to the research community.
With Aurora fully assembled, early science team members began running and optimizing their applications to prepare the system for open access. Here are some early performance results on Aurora.
Argonne researchers are working to advance the DOE’s vision by integrating experimental facilities with ALCF computing resources.
By updating and expanding its testbed for AI accelerators, the ALCF enables users to harness leading-edge AI technologies for efficient and impactful scientific discovery.
The ALCF's “Intro to AI” student training series has hosted over 700 participants from across the nation to date, helping to cultivate a new generation of AI researchers.