COMbining Deep-Learning with Physics-Based affinIty estimatiOn 3 (COMPBIO3)
PI: Peter Coveney, University College London
HOURS: ALCF: 1,625,000 Node-Hours
Establishing Digital Twins for High-Throughput Cellular Analysis in Whole Blood
PI: Amanda Randles, Duke University
HOURS: ALCF: 60,000 Node-Hours, OLCF: 240,000 Node-Hours
ExaCortex: Exascale Reconstruction of Human Cerebral Cortex
PI: Nicola Ferrier, Argonne National Laboratory
HOURS: ALCF: 250,000 Node-Hours
Foundation Models for Predictive Molecular Epidemiology
PI: Arvind Ramanathan, Argonne National Laboratory
HOURS: ALCF: 320,000 Node-Hours
OpenFold-Powered Machine Learning of Protein-Protein Interactions and Complexes
PI: Mohammed AlQuraishi, Columbia University
HOURS: ALCF: 200,000 Node-Hours
Democratizing AI by Training Deployable Open-Source Language Models
PI: Abhinav Bhatele, University of Maryland
HOURS: ALCF: 150,000 Node-Hours, OLCF: 600,000 Node-Hours
Exascale Catalytic Chemistry
PI: David Bross, Argonne National Laboratory
HOURS: ALCF: 425,000 Node-Hours
Heterogeneous Catalysis as a Collective Phenomenon within a Dynamic Ensemble of Sites
PI: Anastassia Alexandrova, University of California, Los Angeles
HOURS: ALCF: 250,000 Node-Hours
Heteropolymer Design Harnessing New and Emerging Computing Technologies
PI: Vikram Mulligan, Flatiron Institute
HOURS: ALCF: 375,000 Node-Hours
Energy Exascale Earth System Model
PI: Peter Caldwell, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
HOURS: ALCF: 500,000 Node-Hours, OLCF: 1,000,000 Node-Hours
Flight-Scale Simulations of a Transport Aircraft in High-Lift Conditions
PI: Eric Nielsen, NASA Langley Research Center
HOURS: ALCF: 350,000 Node-Hours, OLCF: 1,000,000 Node-Hours
High Reynolds Number Hypersonic Transition Control via Porous Walls
PI: Carlo Scalo, Purdue University
HOURS: ALCF: 300,000 Node-Hours
Interface-resolved Simulations of Scalar Transport in Turbulent Bubbly Flows]
PI: Parisa Mirbod, University of Illinois at Chicago
HOURS: ALCF: 50,000 Node-Hours
[Online Machine Learning for Large-Scale Turbulent Simulations]]
PI: Kenneth Jansen, University of Colorado Boulder
HOURS: ALCF: 375,000 Node-Hours
Carbon at Extremes: Discovery Science with Exascale Computers
PI: Ivan Oleynik, University of South Florida
HOURS: ALCF: 300,000 Node-Hours, OLCF: 300,000 Node-Hours
Exascale Simulations of Quantum Materials
PI: Paul Kent, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
HOURS: ALCF: 590,000 Node-Hours, OLCF: 600,000 Node-Hours
Heterogeneous Reaction Dynamics for Energy Storage and Hydrogen Production
PI: Boris Kozinsky, Harvard University
HOURS: ALCF: 150,000 Node-Hours, OLCF: 300,000 Node-Hours
3D Imaging of Strong Interaction Nambu-Goldstone Bosons
PI: Yong Zhao, Argonne National Laboratory
HOURS: ALCF: 150,000 Node-Hours
Ab-initio Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Reactions
PI: Gaute Hagen, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
HOURS: ALCF: 500,000 Node-Hours, OLCF: 1,000,000 Node-Hours
Advances in Quark and Lepton Flavor Physics with Lattice QCD
PI: Andreas Kronfeld, Fermilab
HOURS: ALCF: 1,200,000 Node-Hours, OLCF: 1,000,000 Node-Hours
Exascale Models of Astrophysical Thermonuclear Explosions
PI: Katrin Heitmann, Argonne National Laboratory
HOURS: ALCF: 375,000 Node-Hours, OLCF: 800,000 Node-Hours
Exascale Gyrokinetic Study of ITER Challenge on Power-Exhaust and ELM-Free Edge
PI: Choongseok Chang, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
HOURS: ALCF: 550,000 Node-Hours, OLCF: 1,000,000 Node-Hours
Exascale Models of Astrophysical Thermonuclear Explosions
PI: Michael Zingale, Stony Brook University
HOURS: ALCF: 75,000 Node-Hours, OLCF: 400,000 Node-Hours
Novel Calculation of Nucleon Generalized Form Factors in Lattice QCD at the Physical Point
PI: Martha Constantinou, Temple University
HOURS: ALCF: 315,000 Node-Hours
Radiation-Dominated Black Hole Accretion
PI: James Stone, Institute for Advanced Studies
HOURS: ALCF: 425,000 Node-Hours, OLCF: 800,000 Node-Hours
Resolving Cosmic Ray Transport by Pushing the Frontier of MHD Turbulence
PI: Drummond Fielding, Cornell University
HOURS: ALCF: 200,000 Node-Hours, OLCF: 700,000 Node-Hours
State-of-the-Art High-Resolution 3D Simulations of Core-Collapse Supernovae
PI: Adam Burrows, Princeton
HOURS: ALCF: 1,000,000 Node-Hours
QCD under Extreme Conditions
PI: Zoltan Fodor, Pennsylvania State University
HOURS: ALCF: 400,000 Node-Hours
ALCC 2024–2025
Building Digital Twin of a Model Host-Pathogen System for Enhancing Biopreparedness
PI: Margaret S. Cheung, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
HOURS: ALCF: 200,000 Node-Hours, OLCF, 50,000 Node-Hours, NERSC: 300,000 Node-Hours
Foundation Neuroscience AI Model-NeuroX
PI: Shinjae Yoo, Brookhaven National Laboratory
HOURS: ALCF: 290,000 Node-Hours, OLCF: 152,000 Node-Hours, NERSC: 120,000 Node-Hours
Scalable and Resilient Modeling for Federated Learning Systems and Applications
PI: Xiaoyi Lu, University of California
HOURS: ALCF: 44,800 Node-Hours, OLCF: 15,360 Node-Hours, NERSC: 207,520 Node-Hours
Exploring Exascale Quantum Chemical Methods for Transition Metal Chemistry
PI: Daniel Mejia Rodriguez, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
HOURS: ALCF: 313,442 Node-Hours, OLCF: 145,628 Node-Hours
Highly Scalable Ab Initio Simulations of N-Doped Porous Materials for Carbon Capture
PI: Mark Gordon, Ames National Laboratory
HOURS: ALCF: 2,000,000 Node-Hours
DNS of Buoyancy Driven Flows for Developing NN-informed High-fidelity Turbulence Closures
PI: Som Dutta, Utah State University
HOURS: ALCF: 100,000 Node-Hours, OLCF: 300,000 Node-Hours, NERSC: 200,000 Node-Hours
Exascale Computing for Energy Applications
PI: Misun Min, Argonne National Laboratory
HOURS: ALCF: 250,000 Node-Hours, OLCF: 200,000 Node-Hours, NERSC: 50,000 Node-Hours
High-Fidelity CFD Enabling Advanced Nuclear Power
PI: Dillon Shaver, Argonne National Laboratory
HOURS: ALCF: 150,000 Node-Hours, OLCF: 200,000 Node-Hours
High Fidelity Numerical Analysis on Flow and Heat Transfer behavior in Involute Plate Research Reactor to Support the Conversion Program
PI: Yiqi Yu, Argonne National Laboratory
HOURS: ALCF: 200,000 Node-Hours, OLCF: 500,000 Node-Hours
High-Fidelity Simulations of Helium-Air Mixing in High-Temperature Gas Reactor Cavities
PI: Saumil Patel, Argonne National Laboratory
HOURS: ALCF: 115,000 Node-Hours
Autonomy for DOE Simulations
PI: Allan Grosvenor, MSBAI
HOURS: ALCF: 30,000 Node-Hours, OLCF: 100,000 Node-Hours
High Energy Density Physics of Novel Inertial Fusion Energy Ablator Materials
PI: Ivan Oleynik, University of South Florida
HOURS: ALCF: 600,000 Node-Hours, OLCF: 900,000 Node-Hours
Machine Learning Enabled Atomistic Simulation of Iron at Extreme Pressure
PI: Robert Rudd, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
HOURS: ALCF: 150,000 Node-Hours
Predicting Heterogeneous Photocatalysts Using Large-scale Ab Initio Calculations
PI: Felipe Jornada, Stanford University
HOURS: ALCF: 100,000 Node-Hours, OLCF: 140,000 Node-Hours
Hadronic Contributions to the Muon g-2 from Lattice QCD
PI: Thomas Blum, University of Connecticut
HOURS: ALCF: 1,000,000 Node-Hours, OLCF: 3,846,000 Node-Hours
Simulating Large-scale Long-lived Neutron Star Remnants from Binary Neutron Star Mergers
PI: Ore Gottlieb, Flatiron Institute
HOURS: ALCF: 400,000 Node-Hours
ALCC 2023–2024
Probabilistic Comparative Modeling of Colorectal Cancer Screening Strategies
PI: Jonathan Ozik, Argonne National Laboratory
HOURS: ALCF: 160,000 Node-Hours, NERSC: 100,000 Node-Hours
Scaling Genomic Variant Callers to Leadership-Class Systems: A Collaboration Between VA-MVP and DOE
PI: Ravi Madduri, Argonne National Laboratory
HOURS: ALCF: 210,000 Node-Hours
Microscopic Insight Into Transport Properties of Li-Battery Electrolytes
PI: Wei Jiang, Argonne National Laboratory
HOURS: ALCF: 710,000 Node-Hours
Relativistic Quantum Dynamics in the Non-Equilibrium Regime
PI: Eugene DePrince, Florida State University
HOURS: ALCF: 700,000 Node-Hours
Accelerating Deployment of Next-Generation Nuclear Power Using High-Fidelity CFD
PI: Dillon Shaver, Argonne National Laboratory
HOURS: ALCF: 500,000 Node-Hours
High Energy Density Physics of Inertial Confinement Fusion Ablator Materials
PI: Ivan Oleynik , University of South Florida
HOURS: ALCF: 500,000 Node-Hours, OLCF: 1,500,000 Node-Hours
Large Eddy Simulation on Flow and Heat Transfer Behavior in Involute Plate Research Reactor Supporting the Needs of the Materials Management and Minimization (M3) Reactor Conversion Program
PI: Yiqi Yu, Argonne National Laboratory
HOURS: ALCF: 510,000 Node-Hours
Two-Phase Flow Interface Capturing Simulations
PI: Igor Bolotnov, North Carolina State University
HOURS: ALCF: 200,000 Node-Hours, NERSC: 300,000 Node-Hours
Computational Design of Novel Semiconductors for Power and Energy Applications
PI: Feliciano Giustino , The University of Texas at Austin
HOURS: ALCF: 100,000 Node-Hours
Large Scale Simulations of Materials for Quantum Information Science
PI: Giulia Galli , University of Chicago
HOURS: ALCF: 600,000 Node-Hours, NERSC: 400,000 Node-Hours
Quantum Accurate Large-Scale Atomistic Simulations of Advanced Fusion Reactor Materials
PI: Aidan Thompson, Sandia National Laboratories
HOURS: ALCF: 850,000 Node-Hours, OLCF: 500,000 Node-Hours, NERSC: 250,000 Node-Hours
Continuum Limit Latice Calculation of Direct CP-violation in Kaon Decays
PI: Christopher Kelly, Brookhaven National Laboratory
HOURS: ALCF: 135,000 Node-Hours
Energy Partition and Particle Acceleration in Laser-Driven Laboratory Magnetized Shocks
PI: Frederico Fiuza, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
HOURS: ALCF: 300,000 Node-Hours, NERSC: 150,000 Node-Hours
Hadronic Contributions to the Muon G-2 from Lattice QCD
PI: Thomas Blum, University of Connecticut
HOURS: ALCF: 5,000 Node-Hours, OLCF: 3,283,000 Node-Hours
Using GPU to Reconstruct LHC Collisions Recorded with the CMS Detector
PI: Dirk Hufnagel , Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
HOURS: ALCF: 70,000 Node-Hours
ALCF Data Science Program
Advanced Materials Characterization with AI-Informed Computation
PI: Marco Govoni, Argonne National Laboratory
Autonomous Molecular Design for Redox Flow Batteries
PI: Logan Ward, Argonne National Laboratory
Deep Learning at Scale for Multimessenger Astrophysics Through the NCSA-Argonne Collaboration
PI: Eliu Huerta, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Developing High-Performance-Computing Applications for Liquid Argon Neutrino Detectors
PI: Andrzej Szelc, University of Manchester
Dynamic Compressed Sensing for Real-Time Tomographic Reconstruction
PI: Robert Hovden, University of Michigan
Learning Optimal Image Representations for Current and Future Sky Surveys
PI: George Stein, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Machine Learning for Data Reconstruction to Accelerate Physics Discoveries in Accelerator-Based Neutrino Oscillation Experiments
PI: Marco Del Tutto, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Machine Learning Magnetic Properties of Van Der Waals Heterostructures
PI: Trevor Rhone, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
X-ray Microscopy of Extended 3D Objects: Scaling Towards the Future
PI: Chris Jacobsen, Argonne National Laboratory and Northwestern University
Accelerated Deep Learning Discovery in Fusion Energy Science
PI: William Tang, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Dark Sky Mining
PI: Salman Habib, Argonne National Laboratory
Data Analytics and Machine Learning for Exascale Computational Fluid Dynamics
PI: Kenneth Jansen, University of Colorado Boulder
Enabling Connectomics at Exascale to Facilitate Discoveries in Neuroscience
PI: Nicola Ferrier, Argonne National Laboratory
Exascale Computational Catalysis
PI: David Bross, Argonne National Laboratory
Extending Moore’s Law Computing with Quantum Monte Carlo
PI: Anouar Benali, Argonne National Laboratory
Extreme-Scale Cosmological Hydrodynamics
PI: Katrin Heitmann, Argonne National Laboratory
Extreme-Scale In-Situ Visualization and Analysis of Fluid-Structure-Interaction Simulations
PI: Amanda Randles, Duke University
Extreme-Scale Unstructured Adaptive CFD
PI: Kenneth Jansen, University of Colorado Boulder
High-Fidelity Simulation of Fusion Reactor Boundary Plasmas
PI: C.S. Chang, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Machine Learning for Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics
PI: William Detmold, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Many-Body Perturbation Theory Meets Machine Learning to Discover Singlet Fission Materials
PI: Noa Marom, Carnegie Mellon University
NWChemEx: Tackling Chemical, Materials, and Biochemical Challenges in the Exascale Era
PI: Theresa Windus, Iowa State University and Ames Laboratory
Simulating and Learning in the ATLAS Detector at the Exascale
PI: Walter Hopkins, Argonne National Laboratory
Virtual Drug Response Prediction
PI: Rick Stevens, Argonne National Laboratory
The following list provides a sampling of the many Director’s Discretionary projects at the ALCF.
Large Ensemble Model of Single-Cell 3D Genome Structures
PI: Jie Liang, University of Illinois at Chicago
Targeting Intrinsically Disordered Proteins Using Artificial Intelligence Driven Molecular Simulations
PI: Arvind Ramanathan, Argonne National Laboratory
Multimodal Imaging with Intense X-ray Pulses
PI: Phay Ho, Argonne National Laboratory
APS Beamline Data Processing and Analysis
PI: Rafael Vescovi, Argonne National Laboratory
Advanced Photon Source (APS) Data Processing
PI: Nicholas Schwarz, Argonne National Laboratory
Materials Science, Data¬Driven Molecular Engineering of Solar-powered Windows
PI: Jacqueline Cole, University of Cambridge
Optimizing Bayesian Neural Networks for Scientific Machine Learning Applications
PI: Murali Emani, Argonne National Laboratory
Optimizing Bayesian Neural Networks for Scientific Machine Learning Applications
PI: Joshua New, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Development of High-Fidelity Simulations of Gas Turbine Combustors for Sustainable Aviation Applications
PI: Sicong Wu, Northwestern University
Investigation of Flow and Heat Transfer Behavior in Involute Plate Research Reactor with Large Eddy Simulation to Support the Conversion of Research Reactors to Low Enriched Uranium Fuel
PI: Yiqi Yu, Argonne National Laboratory
Multiphase Simulations of Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics
PI: Igor A. Bolotnov, North Carolina State University
Turbulent Rayleigh-Benard Convection in Suspensions of Bubbles
PI: Parisa Mirbod, University of Illinois at Chicago
Adsorptive CO2 Removal from Dilute Sources
PI: John J. Low, Argonne National Laboratory
Materials Informatics Study of Two-Dimensional Magnetic Materials and Their Heterostructures
PI: Trevor David Rhone, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Analytic Continuation of Interacting Fermion Spectra
PI: Adrian Giuseppe Del Maestro, University of Tennessee
Neural Network Quantum States for Atomic Nuclei
PI: Alessandro Lovato, Argonne National Laboratory
Reproducible, Interpretable, and Physics-Inspired AI Models in Astrophysics
PI: Eliu Huerta, Argonne National Laboratory