Two Worlds Collide:
Trustworthiness and Sustainability in Converged HPC and AI

Placeholder for ISC25


The "Two Worlds Collide" Birds of a Feather (BoF) series focuses on the experiences, challenges, and opportunities faced by laboratories and vendors in integrating deep learning (DL) and artificial intelligence (AI) with high-performance computing (HPC) for advanced simulation research. This fourth installment, titled "Trustworthiness and Sustainability for Converged HPC and AI Simulation", builds on the latest SC24 installment, aiming to facilitate a trustworthy and assured integration between established HPC simulation and the rapidly evolving DL ecosystem. Furthermore, this BoF seeks to address the emerging sustainability concerns associated with AI.


Time Topic
Welcome & Audience Survey (2/3 minutes)
Speaker Introductions (2/3 minutes each)
Audience Q&A and Panel Discussion (40 minutes)

Discussion Topics


  • Murali Emani (ANL)
  • Siddhisanket Raskar (ANL)
  • Sanjif Shanmugavelu (Groq)
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