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Argonne Leadership Computing Facility

Getting Started

Connection to a CS-2 node

CS-2 connection diagram Connection to a CS-2 node is a two step process.
The first step requires a MFA passcode for authentication - either a 8 digit passcode generated by an app on your mobile device (e.g. mobilePASS+) or a CRYPTOCard-generated passcode prefixed by a 4 digit pin. This is the same passcode used to authenticate into other ALCF systems, such as Theta and Cooley.
In the examples below, replace ALCFUserID with your ALCF user id.

To connect to a CS-2 ("chief") node:

  1. From the local machine, ssh to the login node first:
  2. From the login node, ssh to the destination CS-2 chief node:
    ssh cs2-01-master
    ssh cs2-02-master

Alternatively, this maybe done in one command line from the local machine. (two passcodes required):

ssh -o "ProxyJump" ALCFUserID@cs2-01-master
ssh -o "ProxyJump" ALCFUserID@cs2-02-master

Verify that the connection was successful with

uname -a
and by making sure the output message contains testbed-cs2-01-med1 or testbed-cs2-02-med8, and not cs-login.