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Defining Applications

Registering ApplicationDefinitions

Once you have a Site, the next step is to define the applications that Balsam may run. Each Site is linked to a set of ApplicationDefinition Python classes: check the Getting Started tutorial to see a quick example of this in action. You can create and register ApplicationDefinition subclasses from any Python session. For instance, Balsam supports interactive workflows in Jupyter notebooks, or workflows driven by any other Python software.

At a minimum, ApplicationDefinitions must declare the site and a command_template for a shell command:

from balsam.api import ApplicationDefinition

class Sleeper(ApplicationDefinition):
    site = "polaris"
    command_template = 'sleep {{ sleeptime }} && echo goodbye'


The site attribute must be present on each ApplicationDefinition subclass to identify where the app runs. The site can take any of the following types unambiguously specifying a Site:

  • Site name (uniquely assigned during balsam site init, like "polaris")
  • Site ID (e.g. 142)
  • Site object (fetched from the API)

The ApplicationDefinition is uniquely identified by its class name and site. In the above example, we defined the Sleeper application at the polaris Site. When Sleeper.sync() is called, the Python class and associated metadata is serialized and shipped to the Balsam web API. The Sleeper ApplicationDefinition is thereafter linked to the Site named polaris, and workflows can proceed to submit Sleeper Jobs to polaris from anywhere!

ApplicationDefinitions must be named uniquely!

If another Python session syncs a different Sleeper class belonging to the same Site, the previous application will be overwritten! This is because apps are uniquely resolved by the pair (site, class_name). This is typically the desired behavior: simply running sync() will ensure that Balsam applications stay up-to-date with your source code. However, inadvertent name collisions can cause unexpected results when you overwrite the implementation of an existing ApplicationDefinition.

The submit() shortcut

To run an application, we then submit a Job to invoke the command with specific resources and parameters. The submit() class method provides a convenient syntax to combine the sync initialization step with job submission in a single call:

# Implicitly sync (updates or creates the App) and submit a Job:
job = Sleeper.submit(workdir="test/sleep_3", sleeptime=3)

This shorthand syntax is completely equivalent to the following:

from balsam.api import Job


job = Job(workdir="test/sleep_3", app_id=Sleeper, parameters={"sleeptime": 3})

It's more efficient to use bulk-creation to submit large numbers of Jobs in a single network call. This is possible by passing the special keyword argument save=False:

jobs = [
    Sleeper.submit(workdir=f"test/{i}", sleeptime=3, save=False)
    for i in range(100)
jobs = Job.objects.bulk_create(jobs)

Besides the special save kwarg, The submit() method has the same signature as the Job() constructor which is covered in-depth on the next page.

Python Applications

Besides running shell commands, Balsam can run Python applications directly on the compute nodes. This paradigm significantly cuts down boilerplate and reduces the need for creating "entry point" scripts.

Instead of using command_template, the ApplicationDefinition can simply define a run() method that will be launched using the exact same rules as ordinary shell applications.

class Adder(ApplicationDefinition):
    site = "polaris"

    def run(self, x, y):
        return x + y

job = Adder.submit("test/5plus5", x=5, y=5)
assert job.result() == 10  # This will block until a BatchJob starts

run is an instance method and should take self as the first argument. Additional positional or keyword arguments can be supplied as well. When submitting Jobs, the parameters are serialized (under the hood job.parameters = {"x": 5, "y": 5} is converted to a Base64-encoded byte string with dill and stored as part of the Job in the Balsam web API.)

The submitted Jobs behave partially like concurrent.futures.Future objects: namely, the return value or Exception raised by run() will propagate to the result() method. Refer to the Jobs documentation for more details on these Future-like APIs.

Python App Capabilities and Limitations

Python run() function-based ApplicationDefinitions enjoy all the same lifecycle hooks and flexible resource launching capabilities as ordinary ApplicationDefinitions. For instance, your Balsam apps can directly call into mpi4py code and be launched onto multiple compute nodes:

import numpy as np

class NumpyPlusMPI(ApplicationDefinition):
    site = "polaris"

    def run(self, *dims):
        from mpi4py import MPI
        if MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 0:
            return np.random.rand(*dims)

job = NumpyPlusMPI.submit(

The run function can generally refer to imported modules and objects from other namespaces, as long as they are importable in the Balsam Site's Python environment. This is a crucial constraint to understand when writing ApplicationDefinitions: all import statements are essentially replayed in the Balsam Site environment when the ApplicationDefinition is loaded and de-serialized. This will fail if any any object referenced by the ApplicationDefinition cannot be imported from sys.path!

Import statements will replay on the Balsam Site

The issues above are easily avoided by ensuring that your codes and their dependencies are installed in the Python virtual environment where the Balsam Site runs.

Just remember that the Balsam app serializer does not recurse and ship other modules over the wire. Virtually any import statement referenced by the ApplicationDefintion must work on both sides.

The same constraint holds true when the ApplicationDefinitions themselves are located in an imported module. For example, if your Balsam code is packaged in my_science_package, that module/package must be installed in the Site environment where the ApplicationDefinition is synced to.

# This import line must work on polaris...
from my_science_package import setup_workflow

# If this method syncs apps to polaris:

Technical Details

Under the hood, all ApplicationDefinitions, Job parameters, return values, and exceptions are serialized and deserialized using dill with the recurse=True option.

Besides the issue of software dependencies, the following additional limitations should be kept in mind when writing ApplicationDefinitions:

  • Do not use any multiprocessing.Process. You can spawn background Thread tasks, but Process workers will attempt to communicate using pickle in a fashion that is incompatible with the serialization scheme used by Balsam.
  • Do not use the super() syntax anywhere in the ApplicationDefinition. This is a known issue with dill. If you are writing your own class hierarchies, you can always get around this by referencing the parent class directly.
  • Avoid referring to balsam.api in the ApplicationDefinition. Instead, you will need to manually initialize the client to fetch resources as follows:
    from balsam.config import SiteConfig
    client = SiteConfig().client  # Loads a fresh RESTClient
    Job = client.Job  # Use just like balsam.api.Job
  • ApplicationDefinitions, parameters, return values, and exceptions should be lean. Do not rely on the Balsam API to move large quantities of data (instead, the Transfer API is designed for easy interoperability with out-of-band transfer methods like Globus). Balsam imposes limits on the order of 100KB for each serialized entity.

Listing and Refreshing Applications

You can check the Apps registered at a site using the CLI:

# List apps across all Sites
$ balsam app ls --site=all

Restart Sites to Reload ApplicationDefinitions

A new ApplicationDefinition will be automatically loaded by a running Site agent or launcher BatchJob. However, if you modify an existing app while it is loaded in a running Site or launcher, the change will not propagate! You must remember to run balsam site sync to refresh the loaded apps in a running Site.

Loading Existing ApplicationDefinitions

You don't need a handle on the ApplicationDefinition source code to submit Jobs with it. Instead, the app_id argument to Job() can take an application by name (string), ID (integer), or reference to a loaded ApplicationDefinition. For example, you can load the set of applications registered at a given Site as follows:

apps_by_name = ApplicationDefinition.load_by_site("polaris")
Sleeper = apps_by_name["Sleeper"]

ApplicationDefinitions can then be used from this dictionary as if you had defined them in the current Python session.

Writing ApplicationDefinitions

At their simplest, ApplicationDefinitions provide a declarative template for a shell command and its adjustable parameters. Alternatively, they define a Python run() function that takes arbitrary inputs. To run an application, we submit a Job that provides values for these parameters.

Importantly, we do not specify how the application is launched (mpiexec) or its CPU/GPU resources in the ApplicationDefinition. Instead, Balsam takes care of managing resources and building the command lines to efficiently launch our Jobs.

Besides the fundamental site, command_template, and run attributes discussed above, ApplicationDefinitions provide other special attributes and methods that we can override to build more complex and useful workflow components.

The Class Path

Balsam Apps are uniquely identified by:

  1. The Site that they belong to
  2. Their ApplicationDefinition class __name__

For instance, the Sleeper application we defined above in has a name of Sleeper. We use this to uniquely identify each ApplicationDefinition class later on.

The Description

The docstring that follows the class statement is captured by Balsam and stored as a description with the REST API. This is purely human-readable text that can be displayed in your App catalog.

class MySimulation(ApplicationDefinition):
    Some description of the app goes here

The Site Identifier

The site attribute is required on all ApplicationDefinitions and it must unambiguously refer to one of your existing Sites. This class attribute can be a string (site name), integer (site ID), or a Site object loaded from the Balsam SDK.

class MySimulation(ApplicationDefinition):
    Some description of the app goes here
    site = "polaris"

Environment Variables

The environment_variables attribute should be a Dict[str, str] mapping environment variable names to values. This is useful for constant environment variables that do not vary across runs. This environment is merged with the environment established in the job template.

class MySimulation(ApplicationDefinition):
    Some description of the app goes here
    site = "polaris"
    environment_variables = {

Command Template

As we have seen, ApplicationDefinitions must contain either a command_template or a run() method. These are mutually exclusive: you must set one or the other. The command_template is interpreted as a Jinja2 template; therefore, parameters must be enclosed in double-curly braces.

class MySimulation(ApplicationDefinition):
    Some description of the app goes here
    site = "polaris"
    environment_variables = {
    command_template = "/path/to/simulation.exe -inp {{ input_filename }}"

By default, all app parameters are required parameters: it is an error to omit any parameter named in the template. We can change this behavior below.

The run function

When the ApplicationDefinition contains a run() method, this function is launched onto compute resources using the parameters set on the corresponding Job.

import numpy as np

class VecNorm(ApplicationDefinition):
    site = "polaris"

    def run(self, vec):
        return np.linalg.norm(vec)

Python executable

When using a run() function, it is important that the execution-side Python environment has the necessary dependencies installed. The optional class attribute python_exe defaults to sys.executable and should not be changed if the app runs in the same environment Balsam is installed in.

You should override python_exe if you wish to invoke the run function using a different Python environment from the one in which Balsam is installed. This setting has no effect for command_template apps.

import numpy as np

class VecNorm(ApplicationDefinition):
    site = "polaris"
    python_exe = "/path/to/bin/python3.8"

    def run(self, vec):
        import numpy as np # Loaded from `python_exe`
        return np.linalg.norm(vec)

Parameter Spec

Maybe we want to have some optional parameters in the command_template, which take on a default value in the absence of a value specified in the Job. We can do this by providing the parameters dictionary:

class MySimulation(ApplicationDefinition):
    Some description of the app goes here
    site = "polaris"
    environment_variables = {
    command_template = "/path/to/sim.exe --mode {{ mode }} -inp {{ input_filename }}"
    parameters = {
        "input_filename": {"required": True},
        "mode": {
            "required": False, 
            "default": "explore", 
            "help": "The simulation mode (default: explore)",

Notice that parameters are either required, in which case it doesn't make sense to have a default value, or not. If a parameter's required value is False, you must provide a default value that is used when the parameter is not passed.

The help field is another optional, human-readable field, to assist with App curation in the Web interface.

Valid Python Identifiers

App parameters can only contain valid Python identifiers, so names with -, for instance, will be rejected when you attempt to run balsam app sync.

Transfer Slots

A core feature of Balsam, described in more detail in the Data Transfers section, is the ability to write distributed workflows, where data products move between Sites, and Jobs can be triggered when data arrives at its destination.

We create this behavior starting at the ApplicationDefinition level, by defining Transfer Slots for data that needs to be staged in before or staged out after execution. You can think of the Job workdir as an ephemeral sandbox where data arrives, computation happens, and then results are staged out to a more accessible location for further analysis.

Each ApplicationDefinition may declare a transfers dictionary, where each string key names a Transfer Slot.

class MySimulation(ApplicationDefinition):
    transfers = {
        "input_file": {
            "required": True,
            "direction": "in",
            "local_path": "input.nw",
            "description": "Input Deck",
            "recursive": False,
        "result": {
            "required": True,
            "direction": "out",
            "local_path": "job.out",
            "description": "Calculation stdout",
            "recursive": False

In order to fill the slots, each Job invoking this application must then provide concrete URIs of the external files:

        # Using 'laptop' alias defined in settings.yml
        "input_file": "laptop:/path/to/input.dat",
        "result": "laptop:/path/to/output.json",

Transfer slots with required=False are optional when creating Jobs. The direction key must contain the value "in" or "out" for stage-in and stage-out, respectively. The description is an optional, human-readable parameter to assist in App curation. The recursive flag should be True for directory transfers; otherwise, the transfer is treated as a single file.

Finally, local_path must always be given relative to the Job workdir. When direction=in, the local_path refers to the transfer destination. When direction=out, the local_path refers to the transfer source. This local_path behavior encourages a pattern where files in the working directory are always named identically, and only the remote sources and destinations vary. If you need to stage-in remote files without renaming them, a local_path value of . can be used.

After running balsam app sync, the command balsam app ls --verbose will show any transfer slots registered for each of your apps.

Cleanup Files

In long-running data-intensive workflows, a Balsam site may exhaust its HPC storage allocation and trigger disk quota errors. To avoid this problem, valuable data products should be packaged and staged out, while intermediate files are periodically deleted to free storage space. The Site file_cleaner service can be enabled in settings.yml to safely remove files from working directories of finished jobs. Cleanup does not occur until a job reaches the JOB_FINISHED state, after all stage out tasks have completed.

By default, the file_cleaner will not delete anything, even when it has been enabled. The ApplicationDefinition must also define a list of glob patterns in the cleanup_files attribute, for which matching files will be removed upon job completion.

class MySimulation(ApplicationDefinition):
    Some description of the app goes here
    site = "polaris"
    environment_variables = {
    command_template = "/path/to/simulation.exe -inp {{ input_filename }}"
    cleanup_files = ["*.hdf", "*.imm", "*.h5"]

Cleanup occurs once for each finished Job and reads the list of deletion patterns from the cleanup_files attribute in the ApplicationDefinition.

Job Lifecycle Hooks

The ApplicationDefinition class provides several hooks into stages of the Balsam Job lifecycle, in the form of overridable methods on the class. These methods are called by the Balsam Site as it handles your Jobs, advancing them from CREATED to JOB_FINISHED through a series of state transitions.

To be more specific, an instance of the ApplicationDefinition class is created for each Job as it undergoes processing. The hooks are called as ordinary instance methods, where self refers to an ApplicationDefinition object handling a particular Job. The current Job can be accessed via the self.job attribute (see examples below). Of course, you may define any additional methods on the class and access them as usual.

ApplicationDefinitions are not persistent!

ApplicationDefinition instances are created and torn down after each invocation of a hook for a particular Job. This is because they might execute days or weeks apart on different physical hosts. Therefore, any data that you set on the self object within the hook will not persist. Instead, hooks can persist arbitrary JSON-serializable data on the Job object itself via

Hook methods are always executed in the current Job's working directory with stdout/stderr routed into the file balsam.log. All of the methods described below are optional: the default implementation is essentially a no-op that moves the Job state forward. However, if you do choose to override a lifecycle hook, it is your responsibility to set the Job state appropriately (e.g. you must write self.job.state = "PREPROCESSED" in the preprocess() function). The reason for this is that hooks may choose to retry or fail a particular state transition; the ApplicationDefinition should be the explicit source of truth on these possible actions.

The Preprocess Hook

The preprocess method advances jobs from STAGED_IN to PREPROCESSED. This represents an opportunity to run lightweight or I/O-bound code on the login node after any data for a Job has been staged in, and before the application begins executing. This runs in the processing service on the host where the Site Agent is running.

In the following example, preprocess is used to read some user-defined data from the Job object, attempt to generate an input file, and advance the job state only if the generated input was valid.

class MySimulation(ApplicationDefinition):

    def preprocess(self):
        # Can read anything from
        coordinates =["input_coords"]

        # Run arbitrary methods defined on the class:
        success = self.generate_input(coordinates)

        # Advance the job state
        if success:
            # Ready to run
            self.job.state = "PREPROCESSED"
            # Fail the job and attach searchable data
            # to the failure event
            self.job.state = "FAILED"
            self.job.state_data = {"error": "Preproc got bad coordinates"}

The Shell Preamble

The shell_preamble method can return a multi-line string or a list of strings, which are executed in an ephemeral bash shell immediately preceding the application launch command. This hook directly affects the environment of the mpirun (or equivalent) command used to launch each Job; therefore, it is appropriate for loading modules or exporting environment variables in an App- or Job-specific manner. Unlike preprocess, this hook is executed by the launcher (pilot job) on the application launch node.

class MySimulation(ApplicationDefinition):

    def shell_preamble(self):
        return f'''
        module load conda/tensorflow
        export FOO={["env_vars"]["foo"]}

The Postprocess Hook

The postprocess hook is exactly like the preprocess hook, except that it runs after Jobs have successfully executed. In Balsam a "successful execution" simply means the application command return code was 0, and the job is advanced by the launcher from RUNNING to RUN_DONE. Some common patterns in the postprocess hook include:

  • parsing output files
  • summarizing/archiving useful data to be staged out
  • persisting data on the attribute
  • dynamically creating additional Jobs to continue the workflow

Upon successful postprocessing, the job state should be advanced to POSTPROCESSED. However, a return code of 0 does not necessarily imply a successful run. The method may therefore choose to set a job as FAILED (to halt further processing) or RESTART_READY (to run again, perhaps after changing some input).

class MySimulation(ApplicationDefinition):

    def postprocess(self):
        with open("out.hdf") as fp:
            # Call your own result parser:
            results = self.parse_results(fp)

        if self.is_converged(results):
            self.job.state = "POSTPROCESSED"
            # Call your own input file fixer:
            self.job.state = "RESTART_READY"

Timeout Handler

We have just seen how the postprocess hook handles the return code 0 scenario by moving jobs from RUN_DONE to POSTPROCESSED. There are two less happy scenarios that Balsam handles:

  1. The launcher wallclock time expired and the Job was terminated while still running. The launcher marks the job state as RUN_TIMEOUT.
  2. The application finished with a nonzero exit code. This is interpreted by the launcher as an error, and the job state is set to RUN_ERROR.

The handle_timeout hook gives us an opportunity to manage timed-out jobs in the RUN_TIMEOUT state. The default Balsam action is to immediately mark the timed out job as RESTART_READY: it is simply eligible to run again as soon as resources are available. If you wish to fail the job or tweak inputs before running again, this is the right place to do it.

In this example, we choose to mark the timed out job as FAILED but dynamically generate a follow-up job with related parameters.

from balsam.api import Job

class MySimulation(ApplicationDefinition):

    def handle_timeout(self):
        # Sorry, not retrying slow runs:
        self.job.state = "FAILED"
        self.job.state_data = {"reason": "Job Timed out"}

        # Create another, faster run:
        new_job_params = self.next_run_kwargs()

Error Handler

The handle_error hook handles the second scenario listed in the previous section: when the job terminates with a nonzero exit code. If you can fix the error and try again, set the job state to RESTART_READY; otherwise, the default implementation simply fails jobs that encountered a RUN_ERROR state.

The following example calls some user-defined fix_inputs() to retry a failed run up to three times before declaring the job as FAILED.

class MySimulation(ApplicationDefinition):

    def handle_error(self):
        dat =
        retry_count = dat.get("retry_count", 0)

        if retry_count <= 3:
            self.job.state = "RESTART_READY"
   = {**dat, "retry_count": retry_count+1}
            self.job.state = "FAILED"
            self.job.state_data = {"reason": "Exceeded maximum retries"}

Be careful when updating!

Notice in the example above that we did not simply update["retry_count"], even though that's the only value that changed. Instead, we created a new dictionary merging the existing contents of data with the incremented value for retry_count. If we had attempted the former method, would not have been updated.

This is a subtle consequence of the Balsam Python API, which tracks mutated data on the Job object whenever a new value is assigned to one of the object's fields. This works great for immutable values, but unfortunately, updates to mutable fields (like appending to a list or setting a new key:value pair on a dictionary) are not currently intercepted.

The Balsam processing service that runs these lifecycle hooks inspects mutations on each Job and propagates efficient bulk-updates to the REST API.