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Scheduling Launchers

Unless Auto Scaling is enabled, Jobs do not automatically run in Balsam. After the Site agent completes data staging and preprocessing for a Job, it waits in the PREPROCESSED state until a launcher (pilot job) submitted to the HPC batch scheduler takes over.

Launchers run independently of the Site agent, continuously fetching and executing runnable Jobs on the available compute resources. They track occupancy of the allocated CPUs/GPUs while launching Jobs with the requested resources. Because launchers acquire Jobs on-the-fly, you can submit Jobs to any system, and they will execute in real-time on an existing allocation!

The Balsam launcher thus handles the compute-intensive core of the Job lifecycle: from PREPROCESSED to RUNNING to RUN_DONE. As users, we need only submit a BatchJob to any one of our Sites. The BatchJob represents an HPC resource allocation as a fixed block of node-hours. Sites will handle new BatchJobs by generating the script to run a launcher and submitting it to the local HPC scheduler.

Using the CLI

If we are inside a Site directory, we can submit a BatchJob to that Site from the CLI:

$ balsam queue submit -q QUEUE -A PROJECT -n 128 -t 70 -j mpi 

The CLI works remotely, too: we just need to target a specific --site so Balsam knows where you want things to run:

$ balsam queue submit --site=my-site -q QUEUE -A PROJECT -n 128 -t 70 -j mpi 

Balsam will perform the appropriate submission to the underlying HPC scheduler and synchronize your BatchJobs with the local scheduler state. Therefore, instead of checking queues locally (e.g. qstat), we can check on BatchJobs across all of our Sites with a simple command:

$ balsam queue ls --site=all

Systems without a batch scheduler

Use -n 1 -q local -A local when creating BatchJobs at generic MacOS/Linux Sites without a real batch scheduler or multiple nodes. The OS process manager takes the place of the resource manager, but everything else looks the same!

Selecting a Launcher Job Mode

All of the queue submit options pass through to the usual scheduler interface (like sbatch or qsub), except for the -j/--job-mode flag, which may be either mpi or serial. These refer to the launcher job modes, which determines the pilot job implementation that will actually run.

  • mpi mode is the most flexible and should be preferred unless you have a particularly extreme throughput requirement or need to use one of the workarounds offered by serial mode. The mpi launcher runs on the head-node of the BatchJob and executes each job using the system's MPI launch command (e.g. srun or mpirun).
  • serial mode only handles single-process (non-distributed memory) Jobs that run within a single compute node. Higher throughput of fine-grained tasks (e.g. millions of single-core tasks) is achieved by running a worker process on each compute node and fanning out cached Jobs acquired from the REST API.

Both launcher modes can simultaneously execute multiple applications per node, as long as the underlying HPC system provides support.

You can submit multiple BatchJobs to a Site

Balsam launchers cooperatively divide and conquer the runnable Jobs at a Site. You may therefore choose between queueing up fewer large BatchJobs or several smaller BatchJobs simultaneously. On a busy HPC cluster, smaller BatchJobs can get through the queues faster and improve overall throughput.

Ordering Job Execution

By default, Balsam will sort jobs that are ready to run first by num_nodes in acending order, then by node_packing_count in decending order, and finally by wall_time_min in decending order. This default behavior will result in the smallest jobs by node count starting first.

There is an alternative sorting model that can be enabled that sorts jobs first by wall_time_min in decending order, then by num_nodes in decending order, and finally by node_packing_count in decending order. This alternative sorting behavior will start the longest running jobs, as estimated by wall_time_min, first. If jobs have no wall_time_min set, it will start the largest jobs by node count first. This alternative sorting model can be enabled for the site by modifying the site's configuration settings.yml file.
Under launcher, add this option:

sort_by: long_large_first # set this to enable alternative sorting model that starts the longest running and largest node count jobs first
Restart the site after changing settings.yml for the changes to take effect.

Using the API

A unique capability of the Balsam Python API is that it allows us programmatically manage HPC resources (via BatchJob) and tasks (via Job) on equal footing. We can submit and monitor Jobs and BatchJobs at any Site with ease, using a single, consistent programming model.

from balsam.api import Job, BatchJob
# Create Jobs:
job = Job.objects.create(

# Or allocate resources:

We can query BatchJobs to track how many resources are currently available or waiting in the queue at each Site:

queued_nodes = sum(
    for batch_job in BatchJob.objects.filter(site_id=123, state="queued")

Or we can instruct Balsam to cleanly terminate an allocation:


Jobs running in that BatchJob will be marked RUN_TIMEOUT and handled by their respective Apps' handle_timeout hooks.

Job Templates and specialized parameters

Behind the scenes, each BatchJob materializes as a batch job script rendered from the Site's job template. These templates can be customized to support new scheduler flags, load global modules, or perform general pre-execution logic. These templates also accept optional, system-specific parameters that can be passed on the CLI via -x or to the BatchJob optional_params dictionary.

Restricting BatchJobs with tags

We strongly encourage the use of descriptive tags to facilitate monitoring Jobs. Another major use of tags is to restrict which Jobs can run in a given BatchJob.

The default behavior is that a BatchJob will run as many Jobs as possible: Balsam decides what runs in any given allocation. But perhaps we wish to prioritize a certain group of runs, or deliberately run Jobs in separate partitions as part of a scalability study.

This is easy with the CLI:

# Only run jobs with tags system=H2O and scale=4
$ balsam queue submit -n 4 --tag system=H2O --tag scale=4  # ...other args

Or with the API:

    # ...other kwargs
    filter_tags={"system": "H2O", "scale": "4"}

Partitioning BatchJobs

By default, a single launcher process manages the entire allocation of compute nodes with a single job mode of either mpi or serial. In advanced use-cases, we can actually divide a single queue submission/allocation into multiple launcher partitions.

Each of this partitions can have its own number of compute nodes, job mode, and filter tags. This can be useful in different contexts:

  • Dividing an allocation to run a mixed workload of MPI applications and high-throughput sub-node applications.
  • Improving scalability to large node counts by parallelizing the job launcher.

We can request that a BatchJob is split into partitions on the CLI. In this example, we split a 128-node allocation into a 2-node MPI launcher (to run some "leader" MPI app on 2 nodes), while the remaining 126 nodes are managed by the efficient serial mode launcher for high-throughput.

$ balsam queue submit -n 128 -p mpi:2 -p serial:126 # ...other args

We could also apply tag restrictions to ensure that the right Jobs run in the right partition:

$ balsam queue submit -n 128 -p mpi:2:role=leader -p serial:126:role=worker # ...other args

With the Python API, this looks like:

    # ...other kwargs
        {"job_mode": "mpi", "num_nodes": 2, "filter_tags": {"role": "leader"}},
        {"job_mode": "serial", "num_nodes": 126, "filter_tags": {"role": "worker"}},