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Balsam Jobs

Key Concept: The Job Lifecycle

The Balsam Job represents a single invocation of an App on some specified computing resources. Each Job is a stateful object that advances through a lifecycle of states (from CREATED to JOB_FINISHED in a successful flow).

After defining the requisite Apps, we create a collection of Jobs. Each Job specifies any data transfer or inter-job dependencies. The collection of Jobs represents our workflow, which is then executed by Balsam over time.

Jobs do not automatically run!

As mentioned in the quickstart, Jobs only specify the CPU/GPU resources needed for each task. In order to run Jobs, we then request a block of node-hours by submitting a BatchJob. This section goes into detail on managing Jobs, which is a separate concern in Balsam. You will find your jobs waiting in the PREPROCESSED state until a BatchJob begins running.

In the normal (successful) flow of execution, a Job moves through the following sequence of states. The table below defines each state as well as the action performed by Balsam to move the job toward the next state.

State Meaning Next Balsam Action
CREATED Job initially submitted. Check the parent Job and data transfer dependencies
AWAITING_PARENTS Pending parent job dependencies. Advance to READY when all parents finished
READY All parent jobs have finished. Submit any stage-in transfer tasks
STAGED_IN All data dependencies staged in. Call the preprocess() hook
PREPROCESSED The preprocess hook completed. Acquire and launch the executable on a compute node
RUNNING Started executing on a compute node. Poll the executing Job process's return code
RUN_DONE Execution finished with return 0. Call the postprocess() hook
POSTPROCESSED The postprocess hook completed. Submit any stage-out transfer tasks
STAGED_OUT All stage-out transfers completed. Mark the job JOB_FINISHED
JOB_FINISHED The job has completed processing. Nothing (end state)

Additionally, Balsam defines the following exceptional states for handling jobs that encounter errors or early termination:

State Meaning Next Balsam Action
RUN_ERROR Execution finished with nonzero returncode. Call the handle_error() hook
RUN_TIMEOUT Execution was terminated mid-run. Call the handle_timeout() hook
RESTART_READY Job is ready to run again. Acquire and launch the executable on a compute node
FAILED Completed processing (unsuccessfully). Nothing (end state)

Hopefully, it's clear from these state flows that a Job can be thought of as the workflow surrounding a single App run. You should check out specific examples of the Balsam hooks that can be used to build interesting workflows at the ApplicationDefinition level. If we don't define any special hooks or data transfers, most of the steps listed above are no-ops and the Job simplifies down to a simple run of an App command.

Of course, we can also build DAGs or ensembles of many application runs by creating multiple Jobs, potentially specifying inter-Job dependencies. We will show effective methods for creating large batches of Jobs later on. To conclude this section, the state diagram below summarizes the Job lifecycle by illustrating the common state flows.

stateDiagram-v2 created: Created awaiting_parents: Awaiting Parents ready: Ready staged_in: Staged In preprocessed: Preprocessed restart_ready: Restart Ready running: Running run_done: Run Done postprocessed: Postprocessed staged_out: Staged Out finished: Job Finished run_error: Run Error run_timeout: Run Timeout failed: Failed created --> ready: No parents created --> awaiting_parents: Pending dependencies awaiting_parents --> ready: Dependencies finished ready --> staged_in: Transfer external data in staged_in --> preprocessed: Run preprocess script preprocessed --> running: Launch job running --> run_done: Return code 0 running --> run_error: Nonzero return running --> run_timeout: Early termination run_timeout --> restart_ready: Auto retry run_error --> restart_ready: Run error handler run_error --> failed: No error handler restart_ready --> running: Launch job run_done --> postprocessed: Run postprocess script postprocessed --> staged_out: Transfer data out staged_out --> finished: Job Finished

Creating Jobs

To create a Job, we need to supply arguments via the Python API's Job() constructor or the balsam job create CLI. Most fields are optional and take sensible default values. At a minimum, we must always supply:

  • app_id or app_name and site_path: reference to the specific App
  • workdir: the working directory, relative to the Site's data/ path
  • Any parameters required by the ApplicationDefinition's command template
  • Any transfers items required by the ApplicationDefinition

We can also create Jobs using the ApplicationDefinition.submit() shorthand: this removes the need for app_id because the value is inferred from the application class itself.

CLI Job Creation

The quickstart tutorial showed an example of CLI job creation:

$ balsam job create --site=laptop --app Hello --workdir demo/hello2 --param say_hello_to="world2" 

If -a/--app doesn't uniquely specify an App by its class path, you can provide the numeric app ID (revealed by balsam app ls) or target a specific site using the --site selector. Since you can target any App defined at any Site, the process of submitting Jobs locally or between systems is seamless and unified.

By passing test/1 to the -w/--workdir option, we declare that the job should run in the data/test/1/ subdirectory of the Site. This folder will be created automatically.

Finally, multiple command template parameters can be passed by repeated -p/--param arguments. In the example above we have only one parameter called name and provide a value of "world".

Multiple Arguments

Run balsam job create --help to list the various options and example usage. For any option that takes multiple arguments, they should be provided by repeating the flag. For instance, balsam job create --tag foo=xyz --tag experiment=initial will create a job with two tags.

API Job Creation

You will usually prefer to leverage the flexibility of Python to populate a large number of Jobs programmatically. For example, a common pattern in Balsam is to write a quick one-off script to crawl a directory of input files and generate a Job for each one. Our entrypoint to creating Jobs from Python is the Balsam Job API:

from balsam.api import Job

Take advantage of the docstrings and type annotations!

We strongly recommend using the Balsam APIs in an interactive development environment such as a Jupyter Notebook or Python IDE of choice. Each Balsam model defined under balsam.api includes detailed docstrings and type annotations for the possible methods.

We can construct an in-memory Job object by populating the required fields, and then we submit it to the web service by calling This is the Python equivalent of the previous CLI example:

job = Job(app_id=123, workdir="test/1", parameters={"name": "world!"})

If you don't want to lookup and hard-code the app_id, you can provide the app name in its place. If you're using the same app name at multiple Sites, you will also have to provide the site_name to disambiguate which app you really mean to create:

job = Job(
    parameters={"name": "world!"}

A shortcut for creating and saving the Job in one step is provide the same exact arguments to Job.objects.create:

job = Job.objects.create(app_id=123, ...)
# don't need to call

The real advantage of the API is to create many related Jobs programmatically. We can still call one-by-one, but it's more efficient to bulk-create the jobs with a single network round trip:

jobs = [
    Job(app_id=123, workdir=f"test/{n}", parameters={"name": f"world {n}!"})
    for n in range(10)

# Capture `jobs` as return value!
jobs = Job.objects.bulk_create(jobs)

bulk_create does not modify objects in place!

When passing a list of Jobs into bulk_create(), you must use the returned value to overwrite the input list with the newly-created Jobs. This is necessary to set the ID on each item as generated by the server. Otherwise, the created Jobs will have id == None and generally behave like objects that have never been saved to the API.

Finally, ApplicationDefinitions provide a convenient shorthand to create Jobs from the same file that the application is defined in:

job = Hello.submit(workdir="test/123", name="world!")

When using the ApplicationDefinition.submit() syntax, the app_id is automatically inferred, and any unrecognized keyword arguments are passed through into job.parameters. This allows for a very concise Job creation. To use submit with bulk-creation, pass save=False to avoid saving each Job to the API one a time:

jobs = [
    Hello.submit(workdir=f"test/{n}", say_hello_to=f"world {n}!", save=False)
    for n in range(10)
jobs = Job.objects.bulk_create(jobs) # efficient creation

Tagging Jobs

When creating many Jobs to run the same App, we need a way of keeping things organized and searchable. Jobs should be organized into hierarchical working directories in a scheme that makes sense for your workflow. Jobs can then be queried by working directory substrings, which facilitates monitoring groups *of Jobs having some common path fragment.

However, organizing by workdir quickly becomes limited, so Balsam provides a more flexible system for tagging Jobs with arbitrary key-value string pairs. You can assign Jobs any tag names and values (keeping in mind that even numerical tags are treated as strings), and then easily query or manipulate Jobs according to their tags.

# Create tagged jobs...
$ balsam job create --tag experiment=foo --tag system=H2O --tag run=5 # ...other args

# that you can fetch jobs with certain tags later!
$ balsam job ls --tag experiment=foo

The idea is much the same with the Python API:

    # ...other kwargs here
    tags={"experiment": "foo", "system": "H2O", "run": "5"}
for job in Job.objects.filter(tags={"experiment": "foo"}):
    if job.state == "JOB_FINISHED":
        print("Finished:", job.workdir)

Associating Data with Jobs

The Balsam service is not designed to store large volumes of data directly; instead, Balsam interfaces with external transfer providers such as Globus to orchestrate out-of-band data transfers efficiently. Nevertheless, each Balsam Job contains a data attribute that can store a dictionary of arbitrary, JSON-serialized data. This can be particularly useful to attach some user-defined, persistent state to Jobs that can be leveraged by the lifecycle hooks.

# Creating Jobs with some initial data
    # ...other kwargs here
    data={"retry_count": 0, "input_coords": coords}

Note that in order to update on an existing Job, we need to assign a new dictionary to the attribute, rather than setting an individual key:

job = Job.objects.get(tags={"experiment": "foo"}, workdir__contains="foo/20")
dat =
retry_count = dat["retry_count"] + 1

# Merge the old with an incremented value: = {**dat, "retry_count": retry_count + 1}

This is a consequence of the descriptor protocol used to track mutations to Job fields. The Python API currently sends only fields which have been expclitly set (job.FIELD = VALUE) in updates to the backend. If you modify an existing mutable field (appending to a list or setting a new key on the data dictionary), the change cannot yet be detected by the Balsam client API layer.

Defining Compute Resources

The default Job arguments assume the application will execute as one single-threaded process occupying a full compute node. This is often not the case, and the Job constructor provides several options to specify precise resource requirements. As usual, these parameters can be specified via the Python API or CLI when creating new Jobs.

  • num_nodes: number of compute nodes needed in a multi-node MPI application
  • ranks_per_node: number of processes (MPI ranks) per compute node
  • threads_per_rank: number of threads per rank
  • threads_per_core: number of threads per physical CPU core
  • launch_params: optional pass-through parameters to MPI launcher
  • gpus_per_rank: number of GPU accelerators per rank*
  • node_packing_count: maximum number of Jobs that may run simultaneously on the same compute node
  • wall_time_min: optional Job execution time estimate, in minutes

!!! note "Aurora and Sunspot GPUS On Aurora and Sunspot, Balsam considers a GPU tile to be a GPU for the purposes of setting gpus_per_rank. Setting gpus_per_rank=1 on Aurora and Sunspot will place one rank per tile. To set one rank per full GPU, set gpus_per_rank=2.

Balsam dynamically schedules Jobs onto the available compute resources over the course of each launcher (pilot batch job). Each Job is considered to fully occupy a whole number of CPU cores and GPU devices while it runs. For each compute node in a batch allocation, Balsam tracks the list of busy CPUs, busy GPUs, and a node occupancy metric. The occupancy is a floating-point value between 0.0 (idle) and 1.0 (busy) calculated as the sum of 1 / job.node_packing_count over all jobs running on a node. When Balsam places a sub-node job, it simultaneously honors the constraints:

  • The node must have enough idle GPUs (job.ranks_per_node * job.gpus_per_rank)
  • The node must have enough idle CPUs (job.ranks_per_node * job.threads_per_rank // job.threads_per_core)
  • The node must have low enough occupancy to accommodate the job without exceeding an occupancy of 1.0.

Job Placement Examples

Consider a 2-node allocation on a system with 64 CPU cores and 8 GPUs per node.

  • If there are 16 single-process jobs with node_packing_count=8 and gpus_per_rank=1, then all 16 runs will execute concurrently.
  • With node_packing_count=4 and gpus_per_rank=1, only 8 jobs will run at a time (4 per node, constrained by the node occupancy).
  • If node_packing_count=8 and gpus_per_rank=8, only 2 jobs will run at a time (one job per node, constrained by the lack of idle GPUs).

Parent Job Dependencies

By including parent Job IDs in a Job constructor, we create dependencies: every Job waits to begin executing until all of its parents reach the JOB_FINISHED state. This can be used to build workflows comprising several Apps. Moreover, since Jobs can be created in lifecycle hooks, we can leverage this ability to dynamically change the workflow graph as Jobs are executed.

# Create a Job that depends on job1 and job2:
    # ...other kwargs

Data Transfer

In the App Transfer Slots section, we explained how ApplicationDefinition classes define requirements for remote data stage in before execution (or stage out after execution). This scheme has two advantages:

  • The inputs and outputs for an App are explicitly defined and consistently named alongside the other ingredients of the ApplicationDefinition class. This pattern facilitates writing command templates and lifecycle hooks that are decoupled from details like external file paths.
  • The Balsam Site Agent automatically groups transfers from endpoint A to B across many Jobs. It can then submit batched transfer tasks to the underlying transfer service provider, and those transfers are monitored until completion. As soon as input data arrives, waiting jobs transition from READY to STAGED_IN and begin preprocessing. The end-to-end lifecycle (await parent dependencies, stage in datasets, preprocess, schedule compute nodes, launch application) is fully managed by the Site Agent.

Since the ApplicationDefinition decides how files are named in local working directories, we only need to fill the Transfer Slots by providing remote data locations. The Job transfers argument is a dictionary of the form {"slot_name": "location_alias:absolute_path"}.

  • slot_name must match one of the App's transfer keys.
  • location_alias must match one of the keys in the transfer_locations dictionary in settings.yml.
  • absolute_path is the fully-resolved path to the source file or directory for stage-ins. For stage-outs, it is the path of the destination to be written.

Adding Location Aliases

The transfer_locations dictionary in settings.yml maps location aliases to values of the form protocol://network_location. A useful example would be a Globus Connect Personal endpoint running on your laptop. The corresponding list item under transfer_locations in settings.yml would look like this:

    laptop: globus://9d6d99eb-6d04-11e5-ba46-22000b92c6ec

In this example, we create a Job that runs on a supercomputer but copies the input_file from our laptop and eventually writes the result back to it.

    # ...other kwargs
        # Using 'laptop' alias defined in settings.yml
        "input_file": "laptop:/path/to/input.dat",
        "result": "laptop:/path/to/output.json",

Querying Jobs

Once many Jobs are added to Balsam, there are several effective ways of searching and manipulating those jobs from the CLI or Python API. The Balsam query API has a regular structure that's the same for all resources (Site, App, Job, BatchJob, etc...) and loosely based on the Django ORM. Refer to the next section on the Balsam API for general details that apply to all resources. In the following, we focus on Job specific examples, because those are the most common and useful queries you'll be performing with Balsam.

The CLI is just a wrapper of the API

While the examples focus on the Python API, the CLI is merely a thin wrapper of the API, and most CLI queries can be inferred from the balsam job ls --help menu.

For example, this Python query:

Job.objects.filter(state="FAILED", tags={"experiment": "foo"})

is equivalent to this command line:

$ balsam job ls --state FAILED --tag experiment=foo

Filtering Examples

Job.objects is a Manager class that talks to the underlying REST API over HTTPS and builds Job objects from JSON data transferred over the Web. We can start to build a query with one or many filter kwargs passed to Job.objects.filter(). The filter docstrings are again very useful here in listing the supported query parameters within your IDE. Queries are chainable and lazily-evaluated:

from balsam.api import Site, Job

# This hits the network and immediately returns ONE Site object:
my_site = Site.objects.get(name="my-site", path="my-site")

# This doesn't hit the network yet:
foo_jobs = Job.objects.filter(, 
    tags={"experiment": "foo"},

# We chain the query and iterate, triggering HTTPS request:
failed_workdirs = [
    for j in foo_jobs.filter(state="FAILED")

We can generate a query that returns all Jobs across Balsam:

all_jobs = Job.objects.all()

Queries support slicing operations:

some_jobs = all_jobs[5:15]

We can count the number of Jobs that satisfy some query:


We can order the Jobs according to some criterion (prefix with - for descending order):

ten_most_recent_finished = Job.objects.filter(

We can build up queries based on numerous criteria, including but not limited to:

  • workdir__contains: path fragment
  • tags
  • app_id
  • state
  • parameters
  • id (single or list of Job IDs)
  • parent_id (single or list of Parent Job IDs)

The iterable queries return Job instances that can be inspected or modified and updated by calling Again, refer to the docstrings or use help(Job) to see a detailed listing of the Job fields.

failed = Job.objects.filter(workdir__contains="production-X", state="FAILED")

for job in failed:
    if job.return_code == 1:
        job.num_nodes = 16
        job.state = "RESTART_READY"

Resolving the Workdir

The Job.workdir attribute is given and stored relative to the Site data/ directory. Sometimes it is useful to resolve an absolute path to a job's working directory:

# From a given Site and Job...
site = Site.objects.get(id=123)
job = Job.objects.get(id=456)

# The workdir can be constructed with Path join operators:
abs_workdir = site.path / "data" / job.workdir

# Or with the helper method:
abs_workdir = job.resolve_workdir(site.path / "data")

If you are running code from inside a Site, you can access the current Site configuration and the resolved data/ path:

from balsam.api import site_config

abs_workdir = job.resolve_workdir(site_config.data_path)

Accessing Parents

Jobs contain the special method parent_query() which returns a iterable query over the job's parents. For example, we can combine this with resolve_workdir to list the parents' working directories. This pattern can be particularly useful in the preprocessing app hook, where a Job needs to read some data from its parents before executing:

from balsam.api import site_config
from balsam.api import ApplicationDefinition

class MyApp(ApplicationDefinition):
    # ...other class attrs

    def preprocess(self):
        parent_workdirs = [
            for j in self.job.parent_query()

Updating Jobs

In addition to the examples where Jobs were modified and updated by calling save(), we can efficiently apply the same update to all jobs matching a particular query. This can be significantly faster than calling in a loop, which repeatedly sends small HTTP update requests over the wire.

# Run all the Failed Jobs again:

Deleting Jobs

Just as we can apply updates to individual jobs or job sets selected by a query, we can also delete Jobs:

# Delete a single job:

# Delete a collection of Jobs:
Job.objects.filter(state="FAILED", tags={"run": "H2O"}).delete()

Python App Futures

When using the run() function in your ApplicationDefinitions, you can treat the resultant Job objects like standard Python Futures in a few useful ways.

Accessing Results

The Job.result(timeout=None) method will block until the job is completed, and return the propagated return value of the run() function. If the function raised an Exception, the Exception is re-raised:

job = Adder.submit("test/123", x=3, y=7)
assert job.result() == 3 + 7
result() optionally takes a floating point seconds timeout value. If the Job does not complete within the timeout period, it will raise concurrent.futures.TimeoutError.

Similarly, result_nowait() will return the result in a non-blocking fashion and raise Job.NoResult if a result is not immediately available.

Polling a single job on completion

Job.done() polls the API and returns True if the Job is either in the JOB_FINISHED or FAILED state.

Polling many jobs on completion

The Job.objects.wait() function takes a list of Jobs and behaves otherwise analogously to concurrent.futures.wait. This can be used to efficiently poll on a large collection of Jobs with a timeout and sort the results by completed/in-progress Jobs:

wait_result = Job.objects.wait(
print(f"{len(wait_result.done)} jobs completed")
print(f"{len(wait_result.not_done)} active jobs")

Iterating over Jobs as they complete

The Job.objects.as_completed() function behaves analogously to concurrent.futures.as_completed. The method returns an generator over the input Jobs, which yields Jobs one a time as they are completed.

for job in Job.objects.as_completed(active_jobs, timeout=60):
    print(f"Job {job.workdir} returned:  {job.result()}")