Running DLIO

A DLIO run is split in 3 phases:

  1. Generate synthetic data DLIO will use

  2. Run the benchmark using the previously generated data

  3. Post-process the results to generate a report

One can specify the workload through `workload=WORKLOAD` option in the command line. This will read in corresponding configuration file that provided in the workload folder. All the configuration will be installed in INSTALL_PREFIX_DIR/dlio_benchmark/configs/workload/ The configuration can be overridden through command line following the hyra syntax (e.g.++workload.framework=tensorflow).


Custom configuration file: If one would like to use custom configuration file, one can save the file in `CUSTOM_CONFIG_FOLDER/workload/custom_workload.yaml, and then pass the command line `--config-dir CUSTOM_CONFIG_FOLDER workload=custom_workload`. It will then load the configuration from custom_workload.yaml.

Output folder: By default the logs and results will be saved in the```hydra_log/unet3d/$DATE-$TIME``` folder. One can change the output folder to a different one by setting ``

1 and 2 can be done either together or in separate. This is controlled by `workflow.generate_data` and `workflow.train` in the configure file. If `workflow.generate_data`, `workflow.train```are all set to be ``True, it will generate the data and then run the benchark. However, we always suggest to run it seperately, to avoid caching effect, and to avoid I/O profiling in the data generation part.

Generate data

mpirun -np 8 dlio_benchmark workload=unet3d ++workload.workflow.generate_data=True ++workload.workflow.train=False

In this case, we override `workflow.generate_data` and `workflow.train` in the configuration to perform the data generation.

Running benchmark

mpirun -np 8 dlio_benchmark workload=unet3d ++workload.workflow.generate_data=False ++workload.workflow.train=True ++workload.workflow.evaluation=True

In this case, we set `workflow.generate_data=False`, so it will perform training and evaluation with the data generated previously.


DLIO Benchmark will show a warning when you have core affinity set to less than number of workers spawned by each GPU process. Core affinity is set using MPI execution wrappers such as mpirun, jsrun, lrun, or srun.

Post processing

After running the benchmark, the outputs will be stored in the `hydra_log/unet3d/$DATE-$TIME` folder created by hydra by default. The folder will contains: (1) logging output from the run; (2) profiling outputs; (3) YAML config files: config.yaml, overrides.yaml, and hydra.yaml. The workload configuration file is included in config.yaml. Any overrides in the command line are included in overrides.yaml.

To post process the data, one only need to specify the output folder. All the other setups will be automatically read from config.yaml inside the folder.

dlio_postprocessor --output_folder=hydra_log/unet3d/$DATE-$TIME

This will generate DLIO_$model_report.txt inside the output folder.


Application Profiling

DLIO_Benchmark has an application level profiler by default. The profiler outputs all application level python function calls in <OUTPUT_FOLDER>/trace*.pfw files. These files are in chrome tracing’s json line format. This can be visualized using `perfetto UI`_

Full Stack Profiling

DLIO_Benchmark has a optional full stack profiler called `dftracer`_.

Installing Profiler

Installing just dftracer

pip install git+

DFTracer is always installed along with dlio_benchmark

pip install .

The profiler outputs all profiling output in <OUTPUT_FOLDER>/trace*.pfw files. It contains application level profiling as well as low-level I/O calls from POSIX and STDIO layers. The low-level I/O events are only way to understand I/O pattern from internal framework functions such as TFRecordDataset or DaliDataLoader. These files are in chrome tracing’s json line format. This can be visualized using `perfetto UI`_