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Argonne Leadership Computing Facility

Accounts and Access FAQ

How do I request a new project/allocation?

There are 3 allocation opportunities at ALCF. Please see How to Get an Allocation on how to get time on our systems.

Who do I contact if my Discretionary Project Allocation expires or if I need to request additional hours?

To request an extension of your existing discretionary allocation or to request additional hours, please email with answers to the following or fill out the form at request an extension/additional hours: - What you have accomplished with your original allocation? - Please include a brief description of any publications or major presentations that were (or will be) generated in full or in part because of this allocation. - What you will do with the extra time? - What you are requesting as your new expiration date? - How many additional hours you are requesting?

How do I join a project?

To join a project, please go to, then click "join a project". Once there, scroll down to the project you want to join and click on it. At the bottom of the next page, please click on the "Request Membership" button. Once we receive approval from the PI regarding your membership request, we will provide you with access to the necessary resources.

How do I request a reservation?

Reservation requests must include information detailed here:

How do I apply for a new account?

Note: All ALCF accounts must be associated with an allocated project.

What do I do when my ALCF account expires?

Please forward your account expiry email to your Sponsor. As soon as we receive an approval email from your Sponsor, we'll proceed with your account renewal process as needed.

What do I do when I receive a warning that my 593 has expired / is about to expire?

If you are planning to extend this assignment/computer user account, please let us know, so a new 593 (Foreign Visit & Assignment Request form) will be filed for you using the information from before. In case any other documents are needed from your end, you'll be contacted as necessary. In order to allow sufficient time for an indices check, it is recommended that your response be submitted as soon as possible.

If you are not planning to extend your account, also let us know so that we may close out your records.