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The base frameworks environment on Aurora does not come with Microsoft's DeepSpeed pre-installed, and it needs to be installed by the user. Further instructions for working with the base environment can be found here.

We describe below the steps needed to get started with DeepSpeed on Aurora.

We focus on the cifar example provided in the DeepSpeedExamples repository, though this approach should be generally applicable for running any model with DeepSpeed support.

Running DeepSpeed on Aurora


The instructions below should be run directly from a compute node.

Explicitly, to request an interactive job (from uan-00xx):

qsub -A <project> -q debug -l filesystems=<fs1:fs2> -l select=1 -l walltime=01:00:00 -I

Refer to job scheduling and execution for additional information.

  1. Load frameworks module:

    module load frameworks
  2. Create a (new) virtual environment:

    python3 -m venv /path/to/new/venv --system-site-packages
    source /path/to/new/venv/bin/activate
  3. Install DeepSpeed:

    pip install deepspeed
  4. Clone microsoft/DeepSpeedExamples and navigate into the directory:

    git clone
    cd DeepSpeedExamples/training/cifar

Launching DeepSpeed

In both examples, the 'train_batch_size' variable needs to be modified from 16 to 12 in the DeepSpeed config embedded in the function get_ds_config() from the Python file This is because the default of 16 is not compatible with the 12 ranks per node we are launching with. DeepSpeed features can be further modified in the DeepSpeed config, and the full feature set is described in the DeepSpeed documentation.

  1. Get the total number of available GPUs:

    1. Count the number of lines in $PBS_NODEFILE (1 host per line)
    2. Count the number of GPUs available on the current host
    3. NGPUS="$((${NHOSTS}*${NGPU_PER_HOST}))"
      NHOSTS=$(wc -l < "${PBS_NODEFILE}")
  2. Launch with mpiexec:

    mpiexec \
      --verbose \
      --envall \
      -n "${NGPUS}" \
      --ppn "${NGPU_PER_HOST}" \
      --hostfile="${PBS_NODEFILE}" \
      python3 \

  1. Create a DeepSpeed compliant hostfile, specifying the hostname and number of GPUs (slots) for each of our available workers (more info here):

    cat $PBS_NODEFILE > hostfile
    sed -e 's/$/ slots=12/' -i hostfile

  2. Create a .deepspeed_env (more info here) containing the environment variables our workers will need access to:

    echo "PATH=${PATH}" >> .deepspeed_env
    echo "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" >> .deepspeed_env
    echo "http_proxy=${http_proxy}" >> .deepspeed_env
    echo "https_proxy=${https_proxy}" >> .deepspeed_env


The .deepspeed_env file expects each line to be of the form KEY=VALUE. Each of these will then be set as environment variables on each available worker specified in our hostfile.

We can then run the module using DeepSpeed:

deepspeed --hostfile=hostfile \

AssertionError: Micro batch size per gpu: 0 has to be greater than 0

Depending on the details of your specific job, it may be necessary to modify the provided ds_config.json.

If you encounter an error:

x3202c0s31b0n0: AssertionError: Micro batch size per gpu: 0 has to be greater than 0
you can modify the "train_batch_size": 16 variable in the provided ds_config.json to the (total) number of available GPUs, and explicitly set "gradient_accumulation_steps": 1, as shown below.
$ export NHOSTS=$(wc -l < "${PBS_NODEFILE}")
$ export NGPU_PER_HOST=$(nvidia-smi -L | wc -l)
$ export NGPUS="$((${NHOSTS}*${NGPU_PER_HOST}))"
24 4 96
$ # replace "train_batch_size" with $NGPUS in ds_config.json
$ # and write to `ds_config-polaris.json`
$ sed \
    "s/$(cat ds_config.json| grep batch | cut -d ':' -f 2)/ ${NGPUS},/" \
    ds_config.json \
    > ds_config-polaris.json
$ cat ds_config-polaris.json
    "train_batch_size": 96,
    "gradient_accumulation_steps": 1,