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Argonne Leadership Computing Facility

Math Libraries


Some math libraries targeting CPUs are made available as part of the nvhpc modules and are based on the OpenBLAS project. Additional documentation is available from NVIDIA.

  • BLAS & LAPACK can be found in the $NVIDIA_PATH/compilers/lib directory.
  • ScaLAPACK can be found in the $NVIDIA_PATH/comm_libs directory.
  • GNU Scientific Library, GSL-2.7 available as module help math_libs/gsl
  • AMD Optiming CPU Libraries, AOCL v4.2 available as module help math_libs/aocl
  • Other Cray-based math libs such as Libsci, FFTW were made available by module load cray-libsci & module load cray-fftw

NVIDIA Math Libraries for GPUs

Math libraries from NVIDIA are made available via the nvhpc modules. Many of the libraries users typically use can be found in the $NVIDIA_PATH/math_libs directory. Some examples follow and additional documentation is available from NVIDIA.

  • libcublas
  • libcufft
  • libcurand
  • libcusolver
  • libcusparse