Kokkos Core implements a programming model in C++ for writing performance-portable applications targeting all major HPC platforms. For that purpose, it provides abstractions for both parallel execution of code and data management. Kokkos is designed to target complex node architectures with N-level memory hierarchies and multiple types of execution resources. It currently can use Serial and OpenMP (threads) for CPU execution spaces ("backends") and CUDA, HIP, SYCL, and OpenMPTarget for GPU execution spaces. By convention, Kokkos only allows one GPU backend at a time.
Kokkos Documentation¶
Kokkos on Polaris¶
Following the Polaris upgrade to HPCM 1.10, the module setup to use the prebuilt Kokkos changed.
The prebuilt Kokkos on Polaris includes three backends: Serial and OpenMP for CPU execution and CUDA for GPU execution. To use it, run:
module load craype-x86-milan
module load craype-accel-nvidia80
module swap PrgEnv-nvhpc PrgEnv-gnu
module use /soft/modulefiles
module load cuda-PrgEnv-nvidia/12.2.91
module load kokkos
This sets the following environment variables, some of which are used by cmake
- path to thelib64/
files installedLIBRARY_PATH
- prepends$KOKKOS_HOME/lib64
to this variable used bycmake
- prepends$KOKKOS_HOME/include
to this variable used bycmake
- prepends$KOKKOS_HOME/lib64
to this variable
Building a Kokkos Application Using cmake
Add these lines to CMakeLists.txt
Here is a simple example CMakeLists.txt
to compile an example program:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.22)
find_package(Kokkos REQUIRED)
set(buildExample_SOURCE_DIR ".")
add_executable(example1_sycl_aot ${SOURCE_FILES})
target_link_libraries(example1_sycl_aot Kokkos::kokkoscore)
target_include_directories(example1_sycl_aot PUBLIC ${buildExample_SOURCE_DIR})
Configure and build it like this:
Building a Kokkos Application Using make
Here's an example Makefile
# KOKKOS_HOME set via:
# module load kokkos
# You can look at the first lines of $KOKKOS_HOME/KokkosConfigCommon.cmake to
# see the flags used in cmake configuration of the kokkos library build. The
# default Kokkos module on Polaris was built with PrgEnv-nvhpc and includes
# Serial, OpenMP (threads), and CUDA backends. So you should have that
# environment module loaded and include compiler flags for CUDA and OpenMP:
# Cray MPI wrapper for C++ and C compilers:
CPPFLAGS=-cuda -fopenmp
LDLIBS=-L$(KOKKOS_HOME)/lib64 -lkokkoscore -lkokkossimd -lpthread
OBJS=$(subst .cpp,.o,$(SRCS))
all: example1_polaris
example1_polaris: $(OBJS)
$(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) -o example1_polaris $(OBJS) $(LDLIBS)
example1.o: example1.cpp
rm -f $(OBJS)
distclean: clean
rm -f example1_polaris
Configuring Your Own Kokkos Build on Polaris¶
Here are recommended environment settings and configuration to build your own Kokkos libraries on Polaris:
To match what was done in the centrally-built Kokkos associated with the modules discussed above, use the programming environment PrgEnv-gnu
, and use the Cray wrapper CC
as the C++ compiler. You'll also need to explicitly load the CUDA toolkit version 12.2.91 as shown:
module restore
module load craype-x86-milan
module load craype-accel-nvidia80
module swap PrgEnv-nvhpc PrgEnv-gnu
module use /soft/modulefiles
module load cuda-PrgEnv-nvidia/12.2.91
module load spack-pe-base cmake
CMake Configuration¶
This example builds three backends: OpenMP, Serial, and CUDA.
git clone git@github.com:kokkos/kokkos.git
cd kokkos
mkdir build
cd build
make -j8 install