Compiling and Linking on Sophia¶
Sophia has AMD processors on the login nodes (sophia-login-01,02
) and AMD processors and NVIDIA A100 GPUs on the compute nodes (see Machine Overview page). The login nodes can be used to create containers and launch jobs.
Must compile on a compute node
Until the cross-compiling environment is set up or dedicated build nodes are added, the compute nodes will have to be used for compiling. Do not compile codes on the login nodes. To launch an interactive job and acquire a compute node for compiling, use:
The default programming environment on the Sophia compute nodes is the GNU compiler tools coupled with NVIDIA’s CUDA toolkit.
For non-GPU codes:
For CUDA codes, please note that there is a new driver (v470) and default CUDA toolkit (v12.4):
The default Nvidia installed software will be in your PATH on compute nodes (not on login nodes).
NEEDS UPDATING: everything from here down:
For MPI, the latest MPI is in /usr/mpi/gcc/openmpi-4.1.5a1
On the login nodes, GNU compilers are available.
Modules on Sophia¶
Available modules can be listed via the command:
Loaded modules in your environment can be listed via the command:
To load new modules, use:
Usage: csh and zsh users do not have to do anything special to their environments. Bash users, however, will need to add the following to any job scripts:
Bash users are also encouraged to modify their ~/.bashrc
to ensure the Ubuntu system /etc/bash.bashrc
file is sourced properly: